
Demonstrating the Love of God by loving humanity.

The Way Church located in St. Paul, MN is a collaboration of people who seek relationship with the Lord and with each other. We aim to be the friendliest church in town welcoming those that may have been hurt by church people in the past or just need to feel like they are part of a family. We accept that we are all sinners and strive to learn together while holding onto the truth found in John 14:6.
We know we are saved by His grace so we stand firm in our desire to serve our community within the walls of the church and throughout the neighborhood. Loving humanity requires faith in action through the time spent with others and by seeking relationship with people who do not look like each of us and may not have had the same background. We aim to live the picture of heaven on earth by embracing diverse race, economics, and perspective. We focus on celebrating our differences and finding our similarities as people.

Humanity: We are a community of people who intentionally seek to develop relationships with people who do not look like us, have different experiences, and a variety of opinions. This is the picture of heaven that we strive to live out on earth.
Community: We live the gospel out loud with our commitment to serve those in poverty, injustice, and within our own families.
Relationship: We seek to inspire people to have a personal relationship with God and others founded in trust and biblical understanding.